Chances are, if you are searching for an attorney to help with your defective vehicle, you have a case. Obviously, we only accept cases where we believe that a legal claim exists. However, many consumers are unaware that their rights have been violated or that they have a legal remedy. Only a licensed attorney can determine whether you have a case and then it is up to the attorney to decide whether to take your case.
Patrick Law, P.C. has handled thousands of consumer warranty cases and will be happy to discuss the facts of your case and give you our initial opinion as to whether you have a case worth pursuing and what you should expect out of the process. We have the experience and knowledge to give you a realistic opinion about what you can expect in terms of settlement, the anticipated length of the process, your time commitment, and what we could expect from a jury trial.
No one can predict the outcome of your case, but our experience allows us to make an educated evaluation. The discussion below is simply a basic overview of some of the most commonly used laws in warranty cases, and is not intended to be authoritative, constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship.